1/24/17-1/28/17 Weekly Session Recap
Committees met frequently during the fourth week of the 2017 legislative session, as next Tuesday’s deadline to have House Bills out of...

1/16/17-1/20/17 Weekly Session Recap
The state legislature had a full schedule during the third week of the 2017 legislative session, which began Monday with a joint...

1/9/17-1/13/17 Weekly Session Recap
Several committees held their first meeting of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session this week, and four bills made their way to the House...

1/3/17-1/6/17 Weekly Session Recap
On January 3, 2017, the 132nd Mississippi State Legislature began the second session in the four-year term. This was a familiar week for...

2016: February 8th-12th
*Each day's House Business is provided in the hyperlinks below. Monday, February 8 th http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2016/pdf/daily_act...